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Hunts Heating is an expert in gas heater systems with many years of experience. Our qualified team can help you with the installation of all types of gas heaters that are perfect for your needs. Here are a few benefits of choosing a gas heater for heating your home or office space. 

Instant Heat

One of the greatest benefits of natural gas is its potential for instant heat. As soon as a heater or heating system is turned on, the ignitor is lit and heat begins to flow into your home. 

There is no waiting period for your house to slowly warm-up, plus a cosy atmosphere can also be created immediately – imagine the effect of a roaring log fire which can be ignited at the flip of a switch. 

This also comes with the added advantage of not having to gather and carefully stack firewood. You don’t have to light, kindle and wait for the flames to grow big enough only to continue maintaining it.

Cleaner Burning

Unlike wood or coal fires, natural gas does not leave behind smoke, ash or odours. Because of this, gas heaters tend to have a longer operational life and require less maintenance than other types of heaters.


Natural gas is, in most states, far less expensive than electricity. The initial cost involved in buying a gas heater may be higher, but the lower running costs will save you money in the long term. 

As heating and cooling your home uses more energy than anything else, including cooking, water heating, lighting and running appliances, this is something that is worth your consideration.

Flexible Heating

Newer ducted heating models allow you to compartmentalise your home into zones so that you can enjoy the convenience of central heating without having to heat every room in your house at once. 

This can save both energy and money. Ducted gas heating also boasts a constant and consistent heat output, regardless of how cold it is outside. It also won’t dry out your eyes, unlike reverse cycle heating.

Low Carbon Emissions

Compared to coal or oil, natural gas produces very low carbon emissions – around 70% less than other fossil fuels. In fact, the combustion process for natural gas is close to perfect, with only a small amount of by-products emitted into the atmosphere as pollutants when it is burned. It emits hardly any sulphur, far less nitrogen dioxide and no solid waste.

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For easy, consistent and cost-effective heating, call us today on 03 6274 1126.

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